91 research outputs found

    Dictionary alignment by rewrite-based entry translation

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    Series : OASIcs - Open access series in informatics, ISSN 2190-6807, vol. 29In this document we describe the process of aligning two standard monolingual dictionaries: a Portuguese language dictionary and a Galician synonym dictionary. The main goal of the project is to provide an online dictionary that can show, in parallel, definitions and synonyms in Portuguese and Galician for a specific word, written in Portuguese or Galician. These two languages are very close to each other, and that is the main reason we expect this idea to be viable. The main drawback is the lack of a good and free translation dictionary between these two languages, namely, a dictionary that can cover lexicons with more than one hundred thousand different words. To solve this issue we defined a translation function, based on substitutions, that is able to achieve an F1 score of 0.88 on a manually verified dictionary of nine thousand words. Using this same translation function to align a Portuguese–Galician dictionary we obtained almost 50% of the dictionary lexicon (more than eighty thousand words) alignment.This work was partially supported by Grant TIN2012-38584-C06-04, supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government on “Adquisición de escenarios de conocimiento a través de la lectura de textos: Desarrollo y aplicación de recursos para el procesamiento lingüístico del gallego (SKATeR-UVIGO)”; by the Xunta de Galicia through the “Rede de Lexicografía (Relex)” (Grant CN 2012/290) and the “Rede de Tecnoloxías e análise dos datos lingüísticos” (Grant CN 2012/179); and by The Per-Fide project (grant reference no. PTDC/CLEL-LI/108948/2008, from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund)

    Retreading dictionaries for the 21st Century

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    Even in the 21st century, paper dictionaries are still compiled and developed using standard word processors. Many publishing companies are, nowadays, working on converting their dictionaries into computer readable documents, so that they can be used to prepare new features, such as making them available online. Luckily, most of these publishers can pay review teams to fix and even enhance these dictionaries. Unfortunately, research institutions cannot hire that amount of workers. In this article we present the process of retreading a Galician dictionary that was first de- veloped and compiled using Microsoft Word. This dictionary was converted, through automatic rewriting, into a Text Encoding Initiative schema subset. This process will be detailed, and the problems found will be discussed. Given a recent normative that changed the Galician or- thography, the dictionary has undergone a semi-automatic modernization process. Finally, two applications for the obtained dictionaries will be shown.This work was partially supported by Grant TIN2012-38584-C06-04, supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government on “Adquisición de escenarios de conocimiento a través de la lectura de textos: Desarrollo y aplicación de recursos para el procesamiento lingüístico del gallego (SKATeR-UVIGO)”; and by the Xunta de Galicia through the “Rede de Lexicografía (Relex)” (Grant CN 2012/290) and the “Rede de Tecnoloxías e análise dos datos lingüísticos” (Grant CN 2012/179)

    Translation dictionaries triangulation

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    Probabilistic Translation Dictionaries (PTD) are translation resources that can be obtained automatically from parallel corpora. Although this process is simple, it requires the existence of a parallel corpora for the involved languages. Minoritized languages have a limited amount of available resources. For example, while they can have a few parallel corpora, the number of parallel language-pairs uses to be restricted. We defend that if a minoritized language A has a parallel corpus with a language B, and language B has a parallel corpus with another language C, then we can obtain a helpful probabilistic translation dictionary between A and C. In this document we will formalize the probabilistic translation dictionaries triangulation, perform some experiments making the triangulation between Galician, English and Italian, and conclude with an evaluation of the proposed approach

    Terminology extraction from English-Portuguese and English-Galician parallel corpora based on probabilistic translation dictionaries and bilingual syntactic patterns

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    This paper presents a research on parallel corpora-based bilingual terminology extraction based on the occurrence of bilingual morphosyntactic patterns in the probabilistic translation dictionaries generated by NATools. To evaluate this method, we carried out an experiment in which both the level of lexical cohesion of the term candidates and their specificity with respect to a non-terminological corpus of the target language were taken into account. The evaluation results show a high degree of accuracy of the terminology extraction based on probabilistic translation dictionaries complemented by bilingual syntactic patterns

    Parallel corpus-based bilingual terminology extraction

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    This paper presents a parallel corpora-based bilingual terminology extraction method based on the occurrence of bilingual morphosyntactic patterns in probabilistic translation dictionaries. We discuss an experiment focused on two language pairs – English-Galician and English-Portuguese, and show results which experimentally confirm the high degree of accuracy of the proposed extraction technique.(undefined

    Methodology and evaluation of the Galician WordNet expansion with the WN-Toolkit

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    In this paper the methodology and a detailed evaluation of the results of the expansion of the Galician WordNet using the WN-Toolkit are presented. This toolkit allows the creation and expansion of wordnets using the expand model. In our experiments we have used methodologies based on dictionaries and parallel corpora. The evaluation of the results has been performed both in an automatic and in a manual way, allowing a comparison of the precision values obtained with both evaluation procedures. The manual evaluation provides details about the source of the errors. This information has been very useful for the improvement of the toolkit and for the correction of some errors in the reference WordNet for Galician.En este artículo se presenta la metodología utilizada en la expansión del WordNet del gallego mediante el WN-Toolkit, así como una evaluación detallada de los resultados obtenidos. El conjunto de herramientas incluido en el WN-Toolkit permite la creación o expansión de wordnets siguiendo la estrategia de expansión. En los experimentos presentados en este artículo se han utilizado estrategias basadas en diccionarios y en corpus paralelos. La evaluación de los resultados se ha realizado de manera tanto automática como manual, permitiendo así la comparación de los valores de precisión obtenidos. La evaluación manual también detalla la fuente de los errores, lo que ha sido de utilidad tanto para mejorar el propio WN-Toolkit, como para corregir los errores del WordNet de referencia para el gallego.En aquest article es presenta la metodologia utilitzada en l'expansió del WordNet del gallec mitjançant el WN-Toolkit, així com una avaluació detallada dels resultats obtinguts. El conjunt d'eines inclòs en el WN-Toolkit permet la creació o expansió de wordnets seguint l'estratègia d'expansió. En els experiments presentats en aquest article s'han utilitzat estratègies basades en diccionaris i en corpus paral·lels. L'avaluació dels resultats s'ha realitzat de manera tant automàtica com a manual, permetent així la comparació dels valors de precisió obtinguts. L'avaluació manual també detalla la font dels errors, la qual cosa ha estat d'utilitat tant per millorar el propi WN-Toolkit, com per corregir els errors del WordNet de referència per al gallec

    Metodología y evaluación de la expansión del WordNet del gallego con WN-Toolkit

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    In this paper the methodology and a detailed evaluation of the results of the expansion of the Galician WordNet using the WN-Toolkit are presented. This toolkit allows the creation and expansion of wordnets using the expand model. In our experiments we have used methodologies based on dictionaries and parallel corpora. The evaluation of the results has been performed both in an automatic and in a manual way, allowing a comparison of the precision values obtained with both evaluation procedures. The manual evaluation provides details about the source of the errors. This information has been very useful for the improvement of the toolkit and for the correction of some errors in the reference WordNet for Galician.En este artículo se presenta la metodología utilizada en la expansión del WordNet del gallego mediante el WN-Toolkit, así como una evaluación detallada de los resultados obtenidos. El conjunto de herramientas incluido en el WN-Toolkit permite la creación o expansión de wordnets siguiendo la estrategia de expansión. En los experimentos presentados en este artículo se han utilizado estrategias basadas en diccionarios y en corpus paralelos. La evaluación de los resultados se ha realizado de manera tanto automática como manual, permitiendo así la comparación de los valores de precisión obtenidos. La evaluación manual también detalla la fuente de los errores, lo que ha sido de utilidad tanto para mejorar el propio WN-Toolkit, como para corregir los errores del WordNet de referencia para el gallego.This research has been carried out thanks to the Project SKATeR (TIN2012-38584-C06-01 and TIN2012-38584-C06-04) supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government

    Expansión de wordnets mediante unidades pluriverbales extraídas de corpus paralelos

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    In this paper we present a method for enlarging wordnets focusing on multi-word terms and utilising data from parallel corpora. Our approach is validated using the Galician and Portuguese wordnets. The multi-word candidates obtained in this experiment were manually validated, obtaining a 73.2% accuracy for the Galician language and a 75.5% for the Portuguese language.Presentamos un método para la ampliación de wordnets en el ámbito de las unidades pluriverbales, usando datos de corpus paralelos y aplicando el método a la expansión de los wordnets del gallego y del portugués. Las unidades pluriverbales que se obtienen en este experimento se validaron manualmente, obteniendo una precisión del 73.2% para el gallego y del 75.5% para el portugués.This research has been carried out thanks to the project DeepReading (RTI2018-096846-B-C21) supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Spanish Government and the European Fund for Regional Development (MCIU/AEI/FEDER), and was partially funded by Portuguese National funds (PIDDAC), through the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and FCT/MCTES under the scope of the project UIDB/05549/2020

    Termonet: Terminology construction from WordNet and technical corpora

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    En esta presentación, mostraremos la metodología y los recursos utilizados en el desarrollo de Termonet, una herramienta para la consulta y verificación en corpus de los léxicos de especialidad incluidos en WordNet. Termonet realiza una identificación en WordNet de los synsets pertenecientes a un ámbito terminológico a partir de las relaciones léxico-semánticas establecidas entre los synsets, y valida los términos identificándolos en un corpus especializado desambiguado semánticamente. La construcción de esta herramienta forma parte de las tareas del proyecto de investigación SKATeR-UVigo, orientado al desarrollo y aplicación de recursos para el procesamiento lingüístico del gallego.In this presentation, we review the methodology and the resources used in the development of Termonet, a tool for checking and verifying in a corpus the specialty lexicons embedded in WordNet. This tool performs an identification of the synsets in WordNet belonging to a terminological domain from the lexical-semantic relations established among synsets, and validates the terms identifying them by means of a semantically disambiguated specialized corpus. The construction of this tool is part of the tasks of the SKATeR-UVigo research project, aimed at the development and application of resources for Galician language processing.Esta investigación se realiza en el marco del proyecto Adquisición de escenarios de conocimiento a través de la lectura de textos: Desarrollo y aplicación de recursos para el procesamiento lingüístico del gallego (SKATeR-UVigo) financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, TIN2012-38584-C06-04

    A lingua galega en Internet após dúas décadas

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    Neste artigo examino a evolución da presenza do galego en Internet a partir da comparación da situación actual coa debuxada hai dúas décadas en Gómez Guinovart (2003). En concreto,o obxectivo deste estudo hase centrar na avaliación do tamaño da web en galego en relación co das linguas do seu contorno cultural (inglés, español, francés, italiano, portugués, catalán, alemán, asturiano e mais éuscaro) e na análise comparativa desta estimación cos datos obtidos en 2003. A metodoloxía utilizada para cuantificar o espazo ocupado na web polos distintos idiomas parte da utilizada en diversas medicións pola Unesco entre 1996 e 2005, consistente en empregar motores de busca e un conxunto de conceptos léxicos para medir a presenza proporcional destes conceptos nas súas diversas equivalencias lingüísticas